Introducing Béllerine Cabin

Introducing Béllerine Cabin

The Béllerine Cabin, designed by Cloux Architecture, represents an evolution of primitive shelter concepts, drawing inspiration from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “Terre des Hommes” and centered around the concept of a central fireplace.

Setting and Autonomy

Situated amidst the Swiss Alps, at an elevation of 1,070 meters above sea level, the cabin overlooks the Rhône valley and Lake Léman. It boasts complete autonomy in terms of water and electricity, relying on a wood-burning fireplace for heating, fueled by wood sourced from the surrounding forest. Despite replacing a dilapidated barn, the new construction maintains the same footprint and volume while preserving the memory of a sheltered space beneath the trees.

Design Concept

The vision for the cabin revolves around creating a cavern-like room that opens up to panoramic valley views, with a central fireplace radiating warmth absorbed by substantial internal mass. This thermal mass also ensures a cool interior during summer months.

Human-Centric Approach

Technical aspects of the cabin are intertwined with the user experience. Visitors are required to start a fire upon arrival, contributing to a sense of involvement akin to camping. The sound of raindrops on the shingle roof enhances the feeling of shelter. The cabin imposes small chores, fostering a sense of satisfaction and meaningful connection with the space.

Construction and Materials

The timber frame, fabricated and insulated off-site, was assembled swiftly on location. Locally sourced materials, including split European larch shingles for the roof and untreated spruce cladding, contribute to the cabin’s rustic charm and durability. Consideration was given to the thermal impact of nearby trees, which provide both solar gain in winter and shade in summer.


The Béllerine Cabin embodies a return to simplicity and human engagement, offering a space for relaxation while encouraging interaction with nature and the built environment. Its design seamlessly integrates with the surrounding landscape, creating an immersive and authentic retreat experience.

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