Exploring Architectural Experimentation: A Conversation with Alexis Dornier


Pioneering Accessibility in Architectural Design

For Alexis Dornier, the journey into architectural experimentation began with a simple question: What if he had to build his own house without the assistance of a designer? This inquiry led him to ponder the accessibility of architectural design for a broader audience. In a conversation with Archdaily’s Hana Abdel, Dornier discusses his latest venture as the co-founder of Stilt Studios, a company focused on democratizing architectural design.

Bridging the Gap: From Concept to Creation

Stilt Studios aims to make architectural design accessible to individuals who may not have the means or inclination to work with traditional architects. By offering prefabricated, stilted structures that blend seamlessly into their surroundings, the company seeks to provide quality living solutions that are scalable, quick, and affordable. Through projects like Canggu Garden, Dornier explores the intersection of design, sustainability, and accessibility.

Embracing Experimentation and Collaboration

Central to Dornier’s approach is a commitment to empathy and collaboration. Rather than imposing his artistic vision onto clients, he seeks to understand their aspirations and motivations, weaving them into the architectural process. With Stilt Studios, he embraces experimentation, allowing for ongoing development and improvement based on user feedback and evolving needs.

Balancing Tradition and Innovation

The treehouses designed by Dornier are more than just structures; they represent a harmonious blend of vernacular craftsmanship and modern technology. By incorporating traditional design elements with contemporary materials and techniques, these spaces offer a glimpse into the future of sustainable living. The goal is to create adaptable living solutions that can thrive in various environments while prioritizing quality of life for occupants.

Looking Ahead: Expanding Possibilities

As Stilt Studios continues to evolve, Dornier remains committed to pushing the boundaries of architectural design. Future projects, such as the Uluwatu Village, will further explore the potential of stilted structures, incorporating recreational spaces and innovative forms. Through ongoing experimentation and collaboration, Dornier aims to redefine the relationship between architecture and accessibility, inspiring a new generation of designers and homeowners alike.

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