Revitalizing Malaga’s Waterfront: The Transformation of De la Farola Marina Wharf One by L35


In recent years, Malaga has found itself disconnected from its maritime identity, with the bustling port area inaccessible to locals. The primary aim of the intervention at De la Farola Marina Wharf One (Muelle Uno) has been to mend this severed relationship and restore the city’s connection to the sea.

Restoring the Connection

The project seeks to reorganize the area, transforming Muelle Uno into a vibrant space where residents can leisurely stroll and reconnect with the waterfront. By repurposing existing landforms, the intervention introduces a linear solution on two levels.

Vibrant Urban Renewal

At wharf level, a parade of shops breathes new life into the previously desolate area, injecting energy and vitality. Meanwhile, the upper level boasts a new seafront promenade, reminiscent of cities with rich maritime traditions, providing a scenic route for pedestrians.

Cultural Centerpiece: El Cubo

Central to the project is El Cubo, a cultural center and branch of the Centre Pompidou. Its striking design, strategically positioned at the corner of Muelle Uno, serves as a visual attraction and a symbol of the wharf’s revitalization.

Architectural Marvel

The architectural marvel of El Cubo lies in its bold form and innovative design. The building’s roof doubles as a plaza, seamlessly integrating with the cityscape. The cube itself, with its twelve-meter glass sides, stands as an iconic landmark, symbolizing the rebirth of the waterfront.

Artistic Flourish

Enhancing the visual appeal of El Cubo are the glass sheets covering its metal framework, evoking the texture of fish scales and filtering natural light into the cultural center. Recently, French artist Daniel Buren added a touch of color to the cube, further enriching its aesthetic allure.

Iconic Landmark

The journey through the revitalized waterfront culminates at La Farola square, named after the iconic lighthouse. Here, a monumental staircase ramp bridges the gap between the walk ramp and the square, becoming a defining feature of the area and a testament to Malaga’s maritime heritage.

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