Introducing SONTE Smart Film


Since 2014, SONTE has been revolutionizing interiors with its innovative smart film technology. With a commitment to practical solutions, SONTE has successfully completed nearly 900 projects for over 400 satisfied customers, covering more than 14,000 square meters with its products. The SONTE Smart Film offers a versatile alternative to traditional heavy curtains or cumbersome blinds, utilizing liquid crystals to harness the power of modern technology.


The SONTE Smart Film achieves modern privacy management by seamlessly transitioning from transparent to opaque with a single click. This transformative effect is made possible by the intelligent liquid crystal film, eliminating the need for costly window replacements.

The film consists of dispersed liquid crystals sandwiched between two PET films. When charged with electric current, these liquid crystals realign, rendering the film transparent. Conversely, the absence of voltage causes the crystals to revert to a random arrangement, resulting in an opaque, milky-white appearance.


Modern Character

  • The SONTE Smart Film adds a contemporary touch to interiors, enhancing the overall design aesthetic of homes and professional office spaces. Despite its modern appeal, the film maintains a minimal thickness, preserving the transparency of windows or glazing.

Quick Response

  • Achieving full transparency in just 0.1 seconds, the SONTE Smart Film offers rapid transition between opaque and transparent states. Additionally, its low power consumption (5.5 W/h per square meter) makes it cost-effective to operate.

Safety Assurance

  • Compliant with non-flammability standards, SONTE Smart Film can be safely installed on fire-resistant glazing, ensuring peace of mind for users.

Easy Maintenance

  • SONTE windows are hassle-free to maintain, requiring no special treatments. Routine cleaning is all that is necessary to keep the film in optimal condition.

UV and IR Protection

  • SONTE matting foil blocks up to 99% of UV radiation and 95% of infrared light, safeguarding interiors from heat buildup on sunny days and protecting occupants from harmful UV rays.

End-to-End Support

  • SONTE Smart Film comes with comprehensive documentation and a cleaning starter set upon installation. Covered by the SONTE Smart Care service program, any damage or malfunction is promptly addressed, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Customization Possibilities

Color Options

  • While white is the classic choice, SONTE also offers gray, black, and multicolored options. Custom color variants can be produced upon request.

Shapes and Surfaces

  • SONTE Smart Film can be installed on various types of glazing, including custom shapes. It can also be applied to single-glazing or double-glazing, as well as different door and window configurations.

Film Control

The SONTE Smart Film offers flexible control options, including:

  • Wall switches
  • Remote controls
  • Integration with building management systems (BMS/BAS) or Smart Home systems
  • Gradual transparency adjustment with dimmers

With its innovative technology and customizable features, SONTE Smart Film offers a sophisticated solution for privacy management and interior design enhancement.

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