Crafting Sustainable Spaces with Biotope Architecture and Interiors


Biotope Architecture and Interiors specializes in designing buildings with a minimal ecological footprint, discreet additions that harmonize with existing structures, and custom interiors crafted in collaboration with local artisans.

Environmental Consciousness in Design

With a focus on environmentally conscious and passive design principles, Biotope Architecture and Interiors creates projects that minimize their impact on the environment. From sympathetic alterations to heritage-listed properties to contemporary yet respectful additions, we offer economic design solutions that prioritize sustainability.

Heritage Projects with a Modern Touch

Our approach to heritage projects emphasizes context and aims to strengthen the connection to the site. By carefully preserving and integrating original heritage features, we transform buildings into spaces that meet the current and future needs of our clients while honoring their historical significance.

Passive Design Principles

Incorporating passive design principles and renewable materials into every project, we prioritize appropriate site placement and connectivity with the surrounding landscape. Our designs optimize natural light and ventilation, integrating courtyards and skylights to blur the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces.

Enriching Daily Life Through Design

At Biotope Architecture and Interiors, our goal is to enhance daily life through thoughtful and sustainable design. We collaborate closely with clients, consultants, builders, and artisans to create bespoke buildings that seamlessly blend life with place.

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