Unveiling Silchester: A Journey Through Time

Unveiling Silchester: A Journey Through Time

After fifty years of meticulous excavation by the University of Reading, the secrets of Silchester, an ancient Roman city in Hampshire, England, are set to be revealed to the public. This archaeological endeavor has unearthed a wealth of discoveries shedding light on the Iron Age settlement that predates the Roman occupation.

Pre-Roman Iron Age Britain

Before the arrival of the Romans, Iron Age Britain was characterized by a diverse society organized into tribes, each led by chieftains defending their territories from hillforts scattered across the landscape. These tribes, while diverse in origin, shared some cultural traits and languages, leading the Romans to categorize them broadly as ‘Celts’.

Insights into Iron Age Life

Excavations at Silchester have provided insights into the Iron Age settlement known as Calleva, home to the Atrebates tribe. Evidence suggests a thriving community engaged in trade with other British tribes and the wider Roman world. Skilled in metalwork and trade, the Atrebates minted their own coins and traded goods across Europe.

Transition to Roman Occupation

With the arrival of the Romans in 43 AD, significant changes occurred in Silchester. The exhibition will explore how the introduction of Roman infrastructure, such as streets, forums, and bathhouses, transformed the Iron Age settlement. Visitors will learn about the transition from roundhouses to Roman-style buildings and the impact of Roman culture on daily life.

Artifacts Spanning Eras

The exhibition will feature a diverse array of artifacts spanning both Iron Age and Roman periods. These include terracotta floor tiles bearing the footprints of animals and children, a large Roman grain storage jar, intricate gemstones, and a Roman roof tile with a Nero stamp. Each artifact offers a glimpse into the daily lives of ancient inhabitants.

Emotional Insights

Among the discoveries are poignant reminders of ancient life, such as the skeleton of what is believed to be Britain’s first lap dog, imported from Gaul. Visitors will also explore the emotional resonance of everyday items lost or left behind, from hairpins in the bathhouse to coins dropped in the forum.

A Journey Through Time

“Becoming Roman – Silchester, a Town of Change” offers visitors a captivating journey through time, connecting them with the lives of those who inhabited Silchester thousands of years ago. From the bustling streets of Iron Age Calleva to the grandeur of Roman forums, the exhibition promises to transport visitors to a bygone era of history and culture.

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