Fostering Community: Gardens for Social Housing in Bezons


Establishing Continuity and Connection

In the endeavor to create social housing in Bezons, a harmonious relationship between built structures and open green spaces was imperative. This project champions the establishment of continuities and reciprocal extensions between the built masses and the surrounding gardens, fostering a seamless integration of living spaces with natural environments.

Collaborative Design Approach

At the heart of this project lies a fruitful collaboration between the architect and the landscaper. By assuming responsibility for the site’s topography, the collective gardens are seamlessly woven into the fabric of the community. This collaborative effort ensures that the new gardens maintain a cohesive relationship with the neighboring food gardens, enhancing the overall aesthetic and functionality of the Bezons plots.

Embracing Existing Context

A key aspect of the design philosophy is the embracement of the existing context. The shape and layout of the new gardens are thoughtfully crafted to align with the patterns and structures developed by the pre-existing vegetable gardens in Bezons. By respecting and mirroring the established features of the landscape, the project preserves the area’s identity while enhancing its utility and appeal.


In conclusion, the Gardens for Social Housing in Bezons exemplify the power of collaboration and contextual design in creating vibrant and cohesive communities. By fostering continuity, embracing existing contexts, and prioritizing collective well-being, this project sets a precedent for sustainable and inclusive urban development initiatives.

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