Reviving Petite Saussaie: A Green Urban Link

Resurgence de la Petite Saussaie, Vitry-sur-Seine – Gilles Brusset paysagiste – Photographie : Pierre-Yves Brunaud – Le projet de résurgence de la source de la Petite Saussaie met en valeur la descente de l’eau dans la vallée de la Seine depuis le coteau. Les différents états de l’eau se déclinent selon les formes et les usages urbains rencontrés sur le trajet: jardins aquatiques, cascades et gargouilles, bassins d’agréments, fontaines et jeux d’eau.

In 2021, paysarchitectures embarked on a project to revive the Petite Saussaie source in Vitry-sur-Seine, as part of the development of a green link in the city’s priority geography. This initiative aimed to unearth and restore one of Vitry-sur-Seine’s historic sources, which had been buried and piped underground. Now, the spring water flows openly for 150 meters through the city’s public spaces.

Sculpting Water: The Aqueduct as Art

At the heart of the project lies a sculpture-fountain, an aerial aqueduct that guides the descent of water into the Seine valley. This aqueduct serves as the backbone of two new public spaces. Designed to engage the senses, the aqueduct elevates water within sight, sound, and touch. Water traverses the landscape horizontally, guided by the aqueduct, creating optical illusions in water-mirrors and melodic sounds in water-music.

Taming Topography: Creating Passable Spaces

The route of the aqueduct not only channels water but also shapes a new topography. Negotiating a terrain with a 12% average slope, the aqueduct ensures the creation of flat surfaces for communal spaces and urban activities. Its continuous line masterfully navigates the slopes, facilitating accessibility through landings, terraces, and plateaus, while also serving as a culvert, retaining wall, or railing as needed.

Transporting Landscapes: A Journey with Water

As water descends the hillside, it carries with it the essence of diverse landscapes: willow groves, wet gardens, aquatic flora, and pebble shores. These varied environments, unified by the flowing water from the Petite Saussaie spring, create a continuous narrative. The hydraulic system connects disparate spaces, harmonizing them on a geographical scale.

Reconnecting with History: Restoring Vitality

The resurgence of the Petite Saussaie spring, dormant for over 90 years, revitalizes Vitry-sur-Seine’s public spaces and reconnects them with the city’s history. Plantations revive the Saulaie, a willow grove that once defined the landscape. The willow stems, harvested for making baskets, harken back to the area’s agricultural past, enriching the site’s historical significance.

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